March Wrap-Up


Hello everyone!

It is that time of the month again, and I cannot believe that I am already writing my second monthly book wrap-up! This was a better month than I thought. I read four novels, six novellas (five of which are contained in the same book) and four graphic novels (always grouped in the same book). Rating wise, it was a pretty good month, averaging around the 3.75/5 stars. Unfortunately, I don’t think I will read as much in April, because I have many exams and essays coming up, but I will try and do my best.

Without further ado, let’s get into the books that I read in the month of March, in date-read order.

  • IMG_4438The Grownup, by Gillian Flynn. This is a novella written by the author of Gone Girl. It is a dark mystery that unfolds in only 60-ish pages, but nonetheless grips your attention until the last word. I had never read any other fiction work by this author, and I liked what I read here, so in the future I might pick up one of her longer novels. If you want to find out more about my thoughts on this novella, click here for a full review. I rated this 4/5 stars.
  • Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, by Jeanette Winterson. I read this novel for my Feminist Theory class, and I had mixed feelings about it. While the topic was extremely interesting – it talked about a young woman who is a lesbian, raised by an extremist Christian family, – the writing style did not grip my attention, and at points I found the book to be tedious. I really enjoyed the autobiographical note though, and for this reason I gave it 3/5 stars. Let me know if you would like a full review on this.
  • Heir of Fire, by Sarah J. Maas. Oh boy, here we go. This book was amazing. It is the third installment in the Throne of Glass Series, and I thought it was absolutely genius. The characters’ development was the element that stood out the most, and now I am waiting for the exam season to be over so I can just curl up with a blanket and read the sequel in one sitting. If you want to find more about my thoughts click here, and you won’t be surprised to know that I gave this book a 5/5 stars.
  • Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi. I read this graphic novel for my Feminist Theory class as well. I found it extremely interesting and highly informative. It is the autobiography of Marjane, a young woman born in Iran in the 70s, and her story of culture and self emancipation. Fascinating. You will find a review here. I gave it 4/5 stars.
  • Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes. Yes, I read this book because the movie is coming out. I have to say, I did not cry nearly as much as I thought I would, knowing that it is supposed to be the heart-wrenching love story between a carer and a quadriplegic. I will write a full review on this book soon, because I believe that some issues must be addressed. Overall, I rated it 4/5 stars.
  • 9780804139021The Martian, by Andy Weir. Since this is a heavily science-based book, I did not enjoy it too much. It recounts the story of a man stranded on Mars, and his struggles for survival. I heard amazing things about this book, but I mostly found it tedious and boring. I ended up giving it a 3/5 stars instead of two because of the final message of the book, and because I appreciated the research that went behind it.
  • The Assassin’s Blade, by Sarah J. Maas. This last book includes five novellas that are a prequel to Throne of Glass, and disclose some details about the life of Celaena Sardothien before she was brought to the Salt Mines of Endovier. I am not a huge fan of novellas, however, this set flowed extremely well. The tales were organized in chronological order, and reading it after Heir of Fire, I thought I got so much out of them, that it actually made me extremely excited to read the next book in the series. I rated it 4/5 stars.

So that’s it, these are the books that I have read in the month of March! Let me know if you have read any of them and what you have read during this month.

Until next time,



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