The Bookish Booklover Tag

Hello Everyone,

and welcome to another Bookish Tag. This tag was created by @Shantellemary, and I thought it would be fun to answer all these questions, so here we go!

What books are you currently reading? Since school is starting on Monday, and I already have a couple of readings due, I started reading La Storia, Five Centuries of the Italian American Experience, by Jerre Mangione and Ben Morreale. I am also reading A Room of One’s Own, by Virginia Woolf, and I am excited to see what she has to say about women writers.

What’s the last book you finished? I have just finished The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë, and it is no surprise that I absolutely loved it.

Favorite book you read this year? ACOMAF-coverGosh, this is such a hard questions. Since I have read so many different books from so many different genres, it is hard to point out. Amongst my favorites there are: The Invasion of the Tearling, by Erika Johansen, A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.

What genre have you read most this year? I would say definitely Fantasy, but I also read some really good classics.

What genre have you read least this year? Horror. I never read horror, except for last year, but that was a one time thing. My imagination runs too wild, and if I read horror I would have nightmares for a month, so no thank you!

What genre do you want to read more of? I would really like to get more into thrillers, which is the only genre I have not fully explored. The last time I read a thriller was a couple of years  ago when I read Shutter Island by Denis Lehane.

How many books have you read this year, and what’s your goal? So far I have read 46 books, and I am planning to read at least 50. I should be able to achieve my goal soon.torch

What’s the last book you bought? Other than textbooks, I just pre-ordered A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir and Empire of Storms by Sarah J Maas. I am extremely excited to read them, and I cannot wait to write a full review.

What book are you saving up to buy next? I am definitely saving up to buy Charlotte Brontë: A Life by Claire Harman, and I also really want to read The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearsen. I have hear such good things about this series!

How many books did you check out last library visit? Unfortunately I am a spoilt reader, therefore I never go to the library. I collect books, thus it makes sense for me to buy them, trying to find the cheapest options ever.

What’s a book you can’t wait to read? I can’t wait to read The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen, the final installment in the trilogy. I just think this trilogy is extremely interesting from a socio-political point of view and I cannot wait to read it. I also can’t wait to read Empire of Storms51FEhUEvwLL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ but it comes out in a little more than a week and I am really excited!

What’s a series you’d recommend to everyone? Other than the obvious Harry Potter Series I would recommend the A Court of Thorns and Roses Series. Other than being extremely fun and steamy it also deals with very important matters that most times are not mentioned in fantasy books. Completely worth it.

Who’s an author you’re hoping writes more? I would love for Carlos Ruiz Zafon to release more books. I love his writing style, and his novels are always so detailed in the description of the landscape that it is just a pleasure to read.

A few books your heart adores? Definitely too many. If I had to choose a couple from this bottomless list they would be: Wuthering Heights, Clockwork Princess, A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Sect of Assassins.

What series’ coming conclusion makes you sad? Certainly the Tearling series and the ACOTAR series.

What books are on your wish-list? Once again, too many. If I could buy an entire library, that would be it!

Tag time! Jasmine @How Useful It Is and @apieceofparadis

Thank you so much for reading, and let me know some of your answers to these questions in the comments.

Until next time,


5 thoughts on “The Bookish Booklover Tag

  1. Thanks Keky for tagging me! Do you get nightmares when you read horror? I do get scared hehe.. I also like to read fantasy too. That’s good that you can read classics. I’m afraid of classics because the writing is harder to understand. I really need to read Sarah J Maas’ book. Everyone has been complimenting on it!

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